About Indonesia Industrial Parts

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Logo Indoneisa Industrial Parts

Indonesia Industrial Parts: As we know, Indonesia is a country that has become a destination for world investors to build factories for local and export needs in the Asian region. The many types of industries that already exist and will develop, do not escape from the need for machine parts, measuring devices, equipment, electrical parts, and controls.

Because Indonesia is not yet a machine maker country, it requires a lot of machines, equipment, measurement, tools, electrical, and control spare parts. The need for industrial parts is to support the continuity and smooth production of break down machines or support the total productive maintenance program.

Indonesia Industrial Parts information on types and models of mechanical parts, electrical parts, measurement tools, equipment, and controls.

Indonesia Industrial Parts Equipment Electrical and Control

The information presented is tried to be equipped with the manufacturer and the Representative or distributor and sole agent, who can be contacted. To make it easier for engineers, purchasing, and suppliers to contact them directly. Industrial Parts Information displayed in the form of :

  • Mechanical parts: hydraulic, pneumatic, motor, pump, bearing, filter, cutting tool, oil skimmer, chain, blade, bearing, sealing, pipe and fitting, valve, regulator, clutch and brake, and others.
  • Measurement: flow measurement, pressure sensor, level sensor, distance sensor, temperature sensor, and others.
  • Tools include electrical tools, mechanical tools, hand tools, cutting tools, manual tools, hydraulic tools, pneumatic tools.
  • Electrical and control: switches, lamps, safety devices, recorders, HMI, PLC, IoT, Monitoring, Display, Transmitter, Converter, and others.
  • Equipment: conveyor systems, heavy equipment tools, compressors, pumps, oil skimmers, burners, painting systems, boilers and oil burners, heat exchangers, press machines, CNC machines, machinery, lifter, cleaning machines, and others.

Basically, what is displayed in the form of pictures, writing, specifications, and others has asked for approval from those who have the right to publish. However, if there are Parties from Manufacture or representatives who object to the Product being displayed in Indonesia Electrical and control Industrial Equipment Parts ( http://www.inaparts.com ), they can submit their email to admin@inaparts.com and provide the link. Admin will delete from website no later than 1 week (7 days) from the date of the complaint we received.

If there is a manufacturer who wants the product to be given a review, analysis and want to be displayed in Indonesian industrial parts, please contact admin@inaparts.com. Product appearances or reviews are free of charge and if there is a Party claiming fees for the product displayed please ignore or contact us.

Hopefully Indonesia Industrial Parts, Equipment, Measurement, Electrical, and Control can help industrial practitioners and government who are trying to increase and develop production capacity to meet domestic and export needs. Hopefully, Indonesia Industrial Parts ( inaparts.com ) can be useful and contribute to Indonesia’s domestic industry progress to welcome Indonesia Golden 2045.


  1. avatar
    R. Eddi Saputra says:

    Pa’ Rudi,
    Kalau contact person untuk wara laba buka counter usaha ice con campina kemana ya

  2. avatar
    Santi Adi says:

    Selamat sore mas saya ingin mencari produk feul oil flow meter digita yang ada keluaran data kontrol nya mohon rekomendasi nya tks

  3. avatar
    rizandri says:

    halo pak, saya bekerja di spbu, yang saya ingin tanyakan adakah flow meter yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengukur jumlah liter yang keluar dari truk tangki yang akan masuk ke tangki pendam. terima kasih

  4. avatar
    sukarjo says:

    selamat siang pak Rudy, saya beberapakali menghubungi bpk tp tidak berhasil, sy mau menanyakan alat ukur yang fortable untuk menguji intalasi meter air pdam yang ukurang 1/2 inchi.

  5. avatar
    sukarjo says:

    selamat pagi pak Rudy.
    saya beberapakali menghubungu Bpk selalu tidak berhasil.
    sy akan menanya Water Meter Tester yg untuk mengukur khusus meter air 1/2 inchi yg ada di pdam.

  6. avatar
    sukarjo says:

    selamat pagi pak Rudy,
    sy beberapakali menghubungi bpk, tapi sengat sulit sekali.
    saya mau menanyakan Water Meter Tester khusus untuk mengukur meter air ukuran 1/2 inchi yang ada di pdam
    terima kasih

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